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The more I teach, the more I learn. The more I learn, the easier I do research. The easier I do research, the better I teach. The better I teach, the more I enjoy!

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Technical Reports

A. M. Mbobi , "Interconnexion des Réseaux des télécommunications du Congo",
RDC-Télécom, November 2000, Kinshasa, R. D. Congo.


A. M. Mbobi , "Réorganisation des Télécommunications en République Démocratique du Congo" ,
UNDP/ITU Internal Technical report, Ref. Congo/97/003-17.01, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and International Telecommunications Union (ITU), May 2000, Geneva, Switzerland.


Sat Sep 28 16:56:29 EST 2024